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Facilitating Online Collaboration

July 19, 2021
minute read

It is important for the facilitator to be familiar with the technology being used and act as a guide to the technology when required.

The role of the facilitator is essential in supporting a participatory process in online conversations and forums. How has the role of the facilitator evolved with the increasing use of online communication as opposed to conventional face to face interactions?

Certain traditional facilitation strategies hold true even when using new technologies. The facilitator should be always mindful of the higher goals of the project, be aware of the time frame and other imposed restraints, try to involve as many participants as possible, and direct the flow of the meeting in a productive manner. As always, if the group gets off-track the facilitator should redirect discussion, and if conversation stalls the facilitator should ask questions that encourage participants to expand upon or probe further into current topics.

Some methods for facilitating have become crucial to the success of online collaboration. A good facilitator will ensure there is a shared understanding among all participants as to what is being discussed. This is especially critical online as some participants may have technology limitations or language barriers. Humor and sarcasm don’t always translate well without the inflection of someone’s voice, which may be misleading to participants on an online forum. At important junctures, a facilitator should provide a summary of what has transpired and any important agreements reached. Due to the lack of physical cues (head nodding, confused facial expressions, etc.) it is important to periodically summarize in an explicit manner. Time zone differences can also lead to some participants missing highly active collaboration periods, in which case summaries can prove highly valuable.

The role of the facilitator has expanded, and it is now important for him/her to be familiar with the technology being used and act as a guide to the technology when required. The facilitator should continually strive to provide an environment where people feel comfortable interacting. When communicating online, there are fewer problems with side conversations and people interrupting each other. This can be good as it gives individuals the opportunity to evaluate choices and consider options at their own pace. However, the inherent anonymity can lead to fewer inhibitions in some individuals. Certain participants may not conform to the social norms they would in face-to-face communication. Online, the facilitator must now take a more active role in monitoring and responding to inappropriate behavior, especially early on when the community is still forming, keeping the dialogue on track and generating high-quality results.

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